


John Dzik

Letters Sent by Alums and Friends: 
Letters Main > Tim Anderlonis Letter #2, Class of 2000

Dear Ms. Chybinski & Members of the Alumni Board,

My name is Timothy Anderlonis and I am a 2000 graduate of Cabrini College with a degree in Sociology. I am currently serving on Active Duty with the United States Marine Corps. I served my country overseas during Operations Enduring & Iraqi Freedom and now serve on the home front in Washington, D.C. I have been very disturbed over the last couple of months with Cabrini's decision to get rid of Coach John Dzik. We alumni just do not understand and as you already probably know most of the story we want answers. It seems that the administration is too good for us lowly alumni to answer any questions oh it's there policy how convenient. I figured that we needed to get the Alumni Board involved hence this letter because if the administration will not answer the Alumni Board's questions then who will. Where can we go next to the Board of Trustees or to the Missionary Sister's because we will, but this is an utter tragedy?

I continue to think of the fact that in maybe five or ten years everyone who had a part in this decision will have left the college, but those of us who witnessed this terrible decision will still remember and the college will still continue to suffer. The college will lose valuable friends, alumni and ultimately dollars and we know how the college's expenses will only skyrocket in the upcoming years. Where will the college end up without all of these important alumni who already said that they want nothing to do with the school? I appeal to you to please help us in our cause and to get us some answers and to get involved. This is not right and a man who gives 25 years to an institution and is more to that institution then the President I think she should go and John Dzik should stay. When was the last time Iadarola took the time to come to a basketball game or have a player celebrate a holiday at her house because they were far from home, I doubt the answer would be Iadarola she doesn't care about anything, except money and obviously her opinion. I am frustrated and we alumni want answers and who better then the Alumni Board President. I thank you for your time and appreciate the help in this matter. It just is not right and it is the administration that is to blame and is destroying the future of our once decent and moral alma mater. Thank you for the time and have a great day.


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